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The Good & The Bad – ‘Church’ In These Last Days: David Fiorazo & Jan Markell

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David Fiorazo and Jan Markell address the state of the American church and theologies to avoid; discuss signs of the times including an emboldened and demonic government, agendas of the WEC and global elites, takeaways from Jan’s recent conferences and UTT guests, and how the left seems to be pulling out all the stops – openly pushing godless, anti-American agendas.

The Good & The Bad – ‘Church’ In These Last Days: David Fiorazo & Jan Markell

untitled artwork 6580

David Fiorazo and Jan Markell address the state of the American church and theologies to avoid; discuss signs of the times including an emboldened and demonic government, agendas of the WEC and global elites, takeaways from Jan’s recent conferences and UTT guests, and how the left seems to be pulling out all the stops – openly pushing godless, anti-American agendas.

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